Sunday, March 04, 2007

on and on and on and on

According to recent news, Hazel Blears is likely to stand for the deputy Prime Minister’s post when “two Jags” steps down.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure myself. I don’t really like her. She’s a funny woman I reckon. Saving graces include an interest in motorbikes and appearing as an extra in the acclaimed film “A Taste of Honey”

Sadly it’s downhill from here on in.

Characteristic of Hazel is this thing she does of chattering on and on and on and on. Undoubtedly, she has an ego. Haven’t we all? But the thing is, with Hazel, it’s like, very irritating and just really really crap. Whenever I’ve seen her on the telly I felt my balls shrinking and a sense of being bullied by a mad woman.

Not only do you get hundreds of words per minute, you also get this manker northern accent that cuts through the air like a chainsaw through tissue paper. It would appear she’s from Salford.

I wouldn’t mind if there was some sort of genuine redeeming feature in her presentation. You know, like the languid intellectualism of Morrisey, or even the No Nonsense, in-your-face pugnacious drawl of Gary Neville. But no, with Hazel you get a sort of unattractive dominatrix, yattering on and on and on, saying very little really, and characteristic and not unknown in other Labour women, exemplified best by the Harriet Harman experiment.

Give me New Order, give me Old Trafford, give me Bernard Sumner, give me the Hacienda. In fact give me any Manchester reference you like (including the rain) but, probably, don’t give me Hazel.

The worst of all is that she’s a fully paid-up member of what passes for the template of a modern politician.

Our brave new world of the third way suggests (doesn’t it ?) that we now require our representatives in Westminster to be sanctimonious, bossy, overly assertive and deeply unattractive.

They seem compelled by force of nature to talk bollocks and, always always always, telling the rest of us what and particularly, what not to do.

Sorry to be a misery about this but we really can do better can’t we?




Blogger Phoenix said...

Funny thing politicians. They are such a natural target for all sorts of reasons.

When they drive me mad I remind myself that someone or rather many someones voted them in. We live in a democracy (of sorts at least). Plus they have a pretty tough job. Some of the people some of the time and all that.

So JVIP, for once you and I don't entirely agree. I think MPs are rather soft targets.

Still love the blog though


2:18 am  
Blogger Lady in red said...

thanx for stopping by my blog

12:48 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

im politically illiterate. and i never voted in my life.

i exercised my right to decide whether i should exercise my right to vote.

i guess, politicians have common denominator, may they be of a first world country or third world one.

4:49 pm  
Blogger Sexy Vixen said...

I was brought up to believe that if you dont vote you cant complain about who you get to represent you


4:55 pm  
Blogger Jungle VIP said...

As ever....on the ball with your ice cold logic. I still think HB is hateful.

Lady in R
Thanks for stopping by my blog too.
Back again and you don't too these days.....Phoenix will have something to say about that for sure

Sexy vixen
Thank you for leaving a comment.
Where did you get that name ? Goodness !


1:03 am  

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