Friday, November 30, 2007

I am the music man

Is a terrible song I used to sing years ago when I was a military man. It goes like this. I can almost guarantee my lover, the Pipster, will actually like this tune and has probably sung it on many occasions when she´s doing this.

Dear God....who am I tied up with ?

Anyway Yes, I´ve been the Music Man this week. Playing it, copying it, listening to it and generally thinking whilst its on. I´ve delivered vivid interest and awareness raising for friends, love and laughter, all though the power of the tunes and the music.

Lots of musicians crop up on my lists of compilations to make. And one song seems to have dominated this week. Can´t really say why but Its a lovely´tune.

Other songs I´ve listened and played this week includes this, this and (importantly for Pip) this.

Also, this this and this are things I´ve had going on in my head

Love to everyone in my life and before you finish........listen to this because these girls will be something one day. The wrods, incidently, are here.



Blogger Georgina Best said...

Interesting that your recurring song has a title that means "I have two loves"

11:12 pm  
Blogger Ladybristol said...

Now I can't stop singing 'The Music Man' and I'm getting on my daughter's nerves.
I didn't realise that it was Blacklace that did it!

7:10 am  

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