Friday, August 03, 2007

Momma's got a squeeze box......

A funny title right enough. Think about the words to the song. "In and out and in and out and in and out"

Substitute the words "In" and "Out" for the word "on".

You now have a solid and unshakable description of one of my dining companions tonight. And.....get this...... they really arn't a sexual in the song.

The other, a warhorse of a man in someways. So past his best and contriving not to know anything about the modern world. Charming in some people. Dull in others. For this "dull"

I felt disconnected, provocative and frustrated. I think the assembled company (Thumper there too) thought I was a misanthrope and probably "on something"

Thumper played sweetness and light rather compellingly. Coming home in the pantechnicon, we swapped pace notes. I was refreshed to find she felt the same. These people make one feel old and past it.

Truth to tell, I spend most of my adult life these days working alongside 30 somethings. As a result, i take an interest in the things they take an interest in. As well as my own stuff. I find it helped me get along with them. They treat me like an ageing hippy who knows stuff and is "reasonably" relevant.

My dining companions.....right get this.......didn't know what this guy look like. These are people right.....get this....that purport to be intellectual. Both have good degrees and a pedigree in social work.

There are times when I've been known to feel true despair. The despair felt by this man is just that feeling. I think, mostly, that true misery is to feel trapped by boring people. Particularly as one gets older. The time running out to increase one's learning.

Give me crazy, give me hysterical, give me polemic, give me enquiring, give me educational, give me lively, give me funny............but dear god on this earth.........don't give me boring.

Neither of these two do the following.

Popular Culture
Intellectual Stuff
Music of any sort
Enquiring about one self
Rock and Roll

and the conversation around this guy was just hateful. Daily Mail 1 Empathy Nil

I was at a loss. Cep't for footy of course. But the dynamics weren't right for discussion. Two don't like it.

Underneath like a surgeon's knife cutting cutting........Pip Pip work Pip telling thumper Pip Pip work Pip Pip telling thumper........PIP !

Life's hard for a bear at the moment. How we laughed !



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