Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Smoke on the Water

I'm a commuter. I often spend 4 hours a day on the M4. This requires a degree of perseverance. The radio is omnipresent. I have two phones. Work phone is a basic (and nasty) cheap, little Nokia. The ring tone is called Fuga. It's set to "loud" because I'm deaf. My own phone (a superior Nokia) bears the signs of hard usage. Cracked screen, worn keys from texting Pip. The ring tone is "Smoke on the Water" I downloaded this from 02 for £3.99. Sometimes, I let the phone ring for a little while. I then get to do air guitar.

If I was asked to give up TV or Radio as a punishment. Or, if it was Lent and I was a Christian and wanted to experience a deprivation, I'd give up TV everytime. Mostly,I adore the radio. Sometimes though, it has the capacity to make me cross. Like, for example, when Susan Carter is on The Archers and she says things like "I've got to get my hands on a Tamarind" which she did last night. Susan Carter, by common consent, is the most hateful character in The Archers.

Mostly, I've developed my own blaggers guide to car karma. Nothing very spritual but exemplified by pretty good attempts to keep my head chatter positive. Mostly, this works. I'm well-versed on airway diversity too. I could, for example, be listening (mostly happily) to Alan and Beeky in the morning, yet (mostly unhappily) dipping in to a little bit of Sue McGregor a little later.

Music is a constant reminder of the passions in my life.

I stay out of trouble when I'm driving. I don't "pursue" things with people. Head chatter says "stop it". Mostly, this works. Except when I'm tired, where I can become exposed to the "sod it" factor.

If I get too miserable I try to think of people working in call centres trying to keep the show on the road or, thank my stars, I'm not Susan Carter.


Blogger Phoenix said...


You sound like a man of passion. I look forward to hearing more about your other passions


1:03 pm  

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